Hearing loss affects the whole family as the person losing their hearing becomes unable to express feelings and thoughts the way they used to. Seeking hearing assistance can save relationships.
Do you know the difference between an audiologist and an otolaryngologist: Before you make an appointment, find out what sets them apart and what's right for you.
A super loud TV is one of the classic symptoms of hearing loss. There are options beyond disturbing the neighbors to help even those with severe hearing loss keep enjoying their favorite TV shows.
Most people that look into hearing aids are met with shock at the high costs of hearing aids. But do you know why they cost so much? And, just perhaps, are there more affordable alternatives out there?
You might have noticed that Walmart stocks an extensive range of hearing aids and amplifiers - but how Walmart hearing aids compare to other hearing aid stockists?
Clogged ears can be frustrating and can stop you feeling your best. We'll help you identify the cause of the problem and help you work out the best medicine for clogged ears.
No two ears are the same, so are mass-produced ‘built for all’ hearing aids really the best devices for our ears? Find out more about whether molded hearing aids could be right for you.
One of the leading causes of hearing loss is aging, and age-related hearing loss is also referred to as presbycusis. Find out more about how it could affect you.