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Hearing Aids and Devices for Seniors And Elderly?

Hearing loss is a condition experience by young and old. In the United States alone, approximately 38.2 million Americans (14.3 percent) have some form of hearing loss. There are numerous causes for hearing loss, and just like glasses, it is not a strictly age related issue. At Olive Union, our mission is to eliminate the notion that hearing aids and hearing loss are an elderly people only discussion.



The stereotype exists for a reason. The condition of losing your hearing as you age is termed as presbycusis (prez-buh-KYOO-sis), and it is one of the most common conditions that affect older people. 

As per medical statistics and several studies, one out of three people between the ages of 65 and 74 years suffer from hearing loss, and approximately half of the people older than 74 years have trouble hearing. However, most people do not admit that they have hearing loss, and the situation worsens with time. 


Hearing Aids For Seniors or Elderly?

While there are several models and types of hearing aids, there are no specific devices designed for seniors or elderly. 

Rather, here are some recommendations on what particular features you should be looking out for when purchasing a hearing aid for a senior or elderly loved one:

  • Battery
    First, you want to consider choosing between rechargeable or replaceable batteries. For example, for an elderly citizen who lacks the dexterity they might have once had, tiny batteries they need to insert carefully into a tiny machine might not be the easiest task! 
  • Ease of Use
    For those of us who grew up with the latest phones and gadgets at our fingertips, technology is second nature to us. For others, the barrier to entry and required knowledge aren't so quick to grasp. As the saying goes, simple is better; a hearing aid that simply does the job it advertises with minimal care or operation required could be just what your elderly loved one is looking for. 
  • Size/Type
    There are many different types and styles of hearing aids, and choosing the right one can be a heavy deciscion. For many elderly or senior citizens, smaller models like CIC (Completely-In-Canal) hearing aids might be too small and delicate. They can be easily misplaced and forgotten as well! 
  • Price/Features
    While modern hearing aids may contain state of the art technology and impressive features such as Bluetooth connectivity, fall detection, and (in the near future!) artificial intelligence, these may be unnecessary depending on your situation! By choosing which features you need and don't need, you can save a lot of money by purchasing older models or less advanced models. 


What should you pick?

There are several devices available in the market for people suffering from hearing loss. The severity and the cause behind hearing loss can vary from person to person. Hence, it is advised to consult a doctor or an audiologist to diagnose and treat your hearing loss properly. The professionals will suggest suitable devices that will help you to listen clearly without any interruptions.

The information in this guide has been written using the following reliable sources:







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