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Hearing Loss Affects The Whole Family

Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the person experiencing the loss; the disability can seriously impact others around that person including family, friends, and coworkers. While deciding to use a hearing aid is a personal decision, the consequences are anything but limited to the individual in question. Family hearing and communication are often taken for granted. 


Communication Becomes Difficult

two people arguing hearing loss family

While by far the most obvious, difficulty in communication can often become the biggest source of strife in relationships with hearing loss involved.

The person who has difficulty hearing becomes frustrated because they can’t understand their partner, and the other person may become exasperated from repeating themselves over and over and having to talk loudly. Misunderstandings arise and frustration can boil over to a breaking point.

A family member who has difficulty hearing may miss entire conversations, even if they’re sitting at the same table as their family members. If they attend an event such as a concert, loud restaurant, or party, a hard of hearing family member may be unable to understand or converse with anyone.

Often, family members that are hard of hearing miss so much of a conversation that they give up trying to keep up; this can ultimately lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression.

Catering to the needs of someone who is experiencing hearing loss can be stressful and difficult for family members, and even downright frustrating if the person in question refuses to seek treatment for their hearing loss. 

Safety Concerns

None of the concerns involved with someone experiencing hearing loss is as pressing as their safety.

People with normal hearing take for granted driving, walking, talking on the phone, and other everyday activities. For someone that is hard of hearing, however, these activities can be dangerous. They may have trouble hearing car horns, traffic, police, fire, or ambulance sirens, or someone approaching them from behind. 

The uncertainty of how safe a person with hearing loss is can be a major source of stress for family members. Family members may become paranoid and overprotective of the person with hearing loss, especially when that person doesn’t hear the phone ringing and misses calls from family members checking in, increasing stress levels all around. 

The Burden of Hearing Loss

dejected man burden of hearing loss family hearing loss

The difficulty of communicating with a loved one who is experiencing hearing loss and the concern for their safety can have serious repercussions within a family. Some of the ways these repercussions can be manifested include:

  • A negative change in the quality of conversations prior to the hearing loss
  • More frequent arguments due to miscommunication or exhaustion
  • A reduction in the ability to enjoy a certain lifestyle prior to the hearing loss
  • Financial strain on the family, especially if the person with hearing loss can no longer work
  • A growing resentment between family members
  • Loneliness, depression, and even dementia may occur long-term
  • The hearing-impaired person may socially withdraw and drag their spouse with them

Marriages especially can be put under enormous strain, especially as the partner with normal hearing often becomes the caretaker of the partner that is hearing impaired. Conversation, particularly intimate and humorous, may cease. Fights may often occur, such as over the volume of the TV.

For adults who experience hearing loss late in life, this change may be difficult to deal with. So much of our personality is centered around how we communicate with others: at work, at home, and in public we are always hearing things and responding.

When a person can no longer hear, it can feel like they lose a large part of their personality, which may lead to depression and anxiety.

Agreeing On Treatment Options

Friends and family around a person who is hard of hearing may recognize that the person needs help much sooner than that person themselves recognize it. While some quickly recognize themselves and accept their need for a hearing aid, often you might encounter resistance. Some take a long time to accept their hearing loss and the fact they are now “old.” Sadly, others never accept it.

For those arguing with a family member or loved one over a hearing aid, there are several talking points one can use to try to convince a person who is hard of hearing to get the help they need to improve their lives and the lives of everyone around them:

The information in this guide has been written using the following reliable sources:
