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5 Great Jobs For Those With Hearing Loss

One of the unfortunate consequences of hearing loss that doesn’t generate enough discussion is that it can make it difficult to work in certain professions; jobs such as construction or administrative work with heavy phone usage can be difficult for those with hearing loss.

The hope, of course, is that this won’t be the case for very much longer. Improvements in hearing aid technology, alternative hearing devices becoming available, and meaningful advancements in medical treatments are painting a brighter future for those suffering with hearing loss.

A Johns Hopkins professor discussing drug treatments for hearing impairment was quoted in an article in 2019 suggesting that the potential to treat underlying causes — not just symptoms — is “phenomenal.”

That’s promising to hear, but until then, hearing loss can still limit professional opportunities to some extent. What’s more helpful than focusing on those limitations, however, is considering which jobs work well for people who struggle significantly with their hearing.

And the good news is that there are several quality, rewarding jobs for people with hearing loss that come to mind.


teacher jobs for hearing loss

Teaching is a broad category, but what we’re referring to primarily here is the opportunity that hearing-impaired individuals have to teach children with similar special needs.

Kids in this situation can struggle to relate to other students or teachers, who often don’t have the necessary teaching or training experience. If you know what it’s like to be unable to hear or confidently express verbal communication, however, you may be in a unique position to help children.

Through both general teaching and instruction specific to hearing impairment (such as working on sign language), you can make a big difference and establish a fine career in the process.


Web Designer


Web design has been an appealing profession for many for a long time now, and it’s not difficult to see why. For one thing, there is always demand. As a Lifewire write-up on web design put it, every organization “from large corporations to small non-profits” needs a website (and possibly an app as well).

Additionally, the same write-up noted that the high-end salary for a web designer, as of 2018, was about $125k. Constant demand, good pay, and the chance to work creatively will certainly appeal to a lot of people.

It’s a particularly accessible job for the hearing impaired as well, because most of the communication involved tends to be digital.



Accountant jobs for hearing loss

One perk that web design and accounting actually share is that people aspiring to have careers in these areas can do much of the work online. Internet courses are widely available in both disciplines, and are of course quite accessible to those who struggle with hearing.

Also similar is the demand in both fields. Numbers quoted in a Maryville University rundown of the online bachelors in accounting suggest a median salary of about $72k (similar to the median for web design), with significant growth projected in the coming years. Thus, we have another accessible, in-demand, well-paying job that hearing-impaired individuals can perform with relatively little difficulty.




Various careers in medicine can be perfectly fitting as well. Of course, there are some difficulties that come into play. Assistance from materials like specialized stethoscopes can be necessary in day-to-day practice, and it’s certainly the case that some communications with patients can be challenging.

But there are still opportunities for people with hearing impairment to become doctors, and there are few professions as stable or as rewarding.


Data Analyst

data analyst jobs for hearing loss

Data analysis has been one of the trendier up-and-coming professions of the last decade, and demand isn’t slowing down yet.

Jobs in this field can differ from one another according to specific company needs, but typically they require only that you have sharp math skills and familiarity with programs that help to gather and organize data.

There is no reason for someone with hearing loss to have particular difficulty in this field, and it’s a field in which you can find high-paid and rewarding work helping a given organization to capitalize on its data and optimize performance.


In Conclusion…


While these are just a handful of many jobs accessible to people with hearing loss, they do represent some particularly strong opportunities! Whether you’re looking for a career change or figuring out what your first career will be, these are a few of the jobs that you should definitely keep in mind.

Additionally, we’d add that you should always keep your eyes open for new opportunities. As we alluded to above, options for managing and even treating hearing loss have been improving rapidly over the last decade.

This is improving many people’s ability to live with hearing loss on a day-to-day basis, and it is going to open more doors to more employment opportunities as well.

The future is bright, and the options are only going to diversify and improve from here!


This guest article was specially written for OliveUnion.com