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Ithcy Ear: Why are my ears itchy? & 7 Home Remedies for itchy ears

Ithcy Ear: Why are my ears itchy? & 7 Home Remedies for itchy ears


If you consistently suffer from severe ear itching, this article will help you understand the causes, prevention methods, and even home remedies. 

You can experience itching in both the outer and ear canal of the ear.

The ear is a narrow and deep organ, and if it becomes itchy, it can be extremely uncomfortable.

Itching in the ear can be caused by various factors such as infection, dermatitis, dry skin in the ear, allergic reactions in the ear, diabetes, wearing earbuds, and more. 





Why does inside of my ear itch? : 8 Common causes for itchy ears

What should I do for itchy ears? 


While there can be numerous reasons for itchy ears,

This article will briefly introduce 8 common causes for itchy ears that are highly likely to match your case:



If your ears are excessively itchy, the first suspected cause could be an infection.

Especially if you engage in water-related activities like swimming or expose your ears to a lot of water during showers, the bacteria in water can lead to ear infections, causing intense itching.

When the outer or middle ear is infected, it not only becomes itchy but may also exhibit redness and warmth.

To reduce the risk of itching in such environments, it's advisable to use earplugs while swimming.

Seborrheic Dermatitis of the Ear:

Another common reason for itchy ears, comparable to infections, is a condition called seborrheic dermatitis.

This condition arises from issues with the sebaceous glands, which produce the oil that protects our skin.

Excessive oil secretion can lead to rashes, and in most cases, the skin's health deteriorates, causing the skin to flake off.

While seborrheic dermatitis commonly affects areas like the scalp and armpits, it can also occur in and around the ears.

The exact cause is not clear, but factors such as immune system issues, excessive stress, and low environmental humidity and temperature are thought to contribute.

To prevent seborrheic dermatitis, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, consuming a healthy diet, and paying attention to moisturizing are essential.

Dry Skin in the ear:

No one would have experienced sweating in the ears, as the ears lack sweat glands. This makes our ears prone to dryness.

Similar to how our skin can become itchy after a shower in winter due to dry conditions, the inside of our ears can also become dry and itchy without proper moisturization.

However, it's crucial to note that adding water directly into the ears is not advisable.

The ear is designed to stay dry, and introducing water can lead to conditions such as otitis media.

Therefore, instead of adding water directly, it is recommended to stay hydrated by consuming sufficient water and indirectly replenishing moisture in the ears using a humidifier.


Earbuds and Hearing Aids:

Earbuds and hearing aids come into direct contact with the skin inside our ears for extended periods. The rubber parts of these devices, especially in canal-shaped designs, may cause reactions or contact allergies in our ears.

Wearing earbuds or hearing aids when the ears are moist, such as right after a shower, can lead to the growth of fungi on both the ear and the device, contributing to itching.


Aggressive Earwax Removal:

Some individuals use metal ear picks to scratch their ears vigorously. This can result in injuries inside the ear, leading to itching.

While earwax is generally harmless unless excessive, aggressively removing it can be more harmful than beneficial.

It's generally advised to leave earwax alone unless it becomes a significant issue.



Psoriasis and Eczema:

Since the ear is a part of the skin, although rare, psoriasis or eczema can occur on the outer or inner ear, causing itching.



Contact Dermatitis:

Contact dermatitis, especially caused by earrings, is common.

Our bodies may react to certain metal materials in jewelry, or alcohol and other chemicals can strip away moisture from the ears, leading to itching.




High blood sugar levels can contribute to itching of the skin, including the ears. This is because elevated glucose levels reduce the acidic balance of our skin, making it more susceptible to bacterial infections.

Since the ears are also a part of the skin, they are not an exception to this phenomenon. Generally, effective management of diabetes can lead to an improvement in overall skin itchiness, including itching in the ears.





How do you get rid of itchy ears? 7 Home remedies for itchy ears

  • Avoid inserting objects into the ear:
  • Refrain from using cotton swabs or other objects to clean your ears, as this can push earwax further into the ear canal and potentially cause damage.



  • Keep ears dry:
  • Moisture can contribute to ear irritation, so try to keep your ears dry. Dry them gently after swimming or showering.



  • Over-the-counter ear drops:
  • Non-prescription ear drops may help soothe itching. Look for drops specifically designed to address itching and irritation.



  • Avoid potential irritants:
  • If you suspect allergies are contributing to the itching, try to identify and avoid potential allergens. This might include certain hair products, jewelry, or environmental factors.



  • Warm compress:
  • Applying a warm compress to the affected ear might provide relief. Ensure it's not too hot to avoid burns.



  • Maintain good ear hygiene:
  • If earwax buildup is a concern, consult with a healthcare professional about safe methods for ear cleaning. They may recommend over-the-counter drops to soften the wax or suggest an earwax removal procedure.



  • Consult a healthcare professional:
  • If the itching persists or is accompanied by pain, hearing loss, or other concerning symptoms, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can examine your ears, identify the underlying cause, and recommend appropriate treatment.



However, if you've tried all these home remedies and see no improvement, it's advisable to seek consultation from the nearest ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist.

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