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AI Bluetooth Earbuds 

& Hearing Aid

Enhanced Hearing For Clearer Communication & Enhanced
Acoustics. FDA Class II OTC Hearing Aid for Mild to Moderate
Hearing Loss.

Enhanced Hearing For Clearer Communication & Enhanced Acoustics. FDA Class II OTC Hearing Aid for Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss.


FDA Class II



Hurry, Pre-Orders Open Soon

Sign up now to access the launch-day deal of up to 42% off.

Crowdfunding Now on 

Reserve early today for Sep 2024 shipping and save up to 42% off.


Guaranteed Delivery by Olive Union

Olive Union guarantees that you will receive a perk.

Proven & Trusted


Sold in 80+ countries


Improving hearing for
100,000+ lives


First-time hearing aid
buyer satisfaction: 89%


Customer support
satisfaction: 89%

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Best Hearing Aids To Listen To Music

With my Olive Max hearing aids, music become a much richer experience. The voices are noticeably clearer and more precise, capturing both the highs and lows with exceptional clarity. Overall, it has significantly enhaced the enjoyment of my music listening experience!

Nancy Page

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Surprisingly affordable hearing aids

It was too cheap that I thought twice before buying them, but it sounds surprisingly good, so I’m sticking with them. The best part is, I can hear people talking loudly while listening to music.

Miguel Lopez

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Enjoying my life even better

Olive max hearing aids have significantly improved my conversations. I can clearly hear my family and friends actively engage without having to ask them to repeat themselves over and over again.

Scott Fields

Olive Air is more powerful,
yet much lighter and portable

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“So affordable and easily accessible.”

- Casey Dias -


“New to hearing aids? I recommend them. It’s my first time too!”

- Steve Hardig -


“I can hear my grandkid’s voices again!”

- Steve Hardig -


“If you are looking for a reasonably priced gift that will make your dad happy, choose Olive Max.”

- Dave Dave Giovacchini -

Next-Gen Hearing Aids
That Do Everything, now
equipped with Active
Noise Cancellation.

Next-Gen Hearing Aids That Do Everything, now equipped with Active Noise Cancellation.

Your affordable, prescription-free solution for AI-enhanced hearing.

Your affordable, prescription-free solution for AI-enhanced hearing.

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Experience silence & tranquility with
Active Noise Cancellation.

Experience silence & tranquility with Active Noise Cancellation.

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Fine-tune volume and EQ to your
exact preferences.

Fine-tune volume and EQ to your exact preferences.

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Safeguard your hearing health with 

real-time monitoring of noise
exposure and listening habits.

Safeguard your hearing health with 
real-time monitoring of noise exposure and listening habits.

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Introducing 2024’s Breakthrough Hearing Enhancing Bluetooth Earbuds With Active Noise Cancellation.

Proven Excellence, Recognized Quality, Trusted by Thousands

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Indiegogo Campaign 
by Olive Union

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Satisfied Customers

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Major Publications

Featured in

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Olive Air Featured In

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Active Noise

03- Icon 2 - OTC hearing device Icon.png__PID:565e8dab-a338-4c6a-ab6b-f7952daf0d97

OTC Hearing Aid

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AI Hearing


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Hearing &

Music EQ

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All Day Battery

03- Icon 6 - Icon representing call. music and more apps..png__PID:6b6bf795-2daf-4d97-98fc-21af6606f834

Music, Media,
and Calls

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How it Works

Built-in microphones pick up the soundscape of your environment, and Olive Air's powerful sound chip and Olive Sound software process the signal to create “anti noise” — an opposite soundwave that effectively cancels out the noise of your surroundings.

Built-in microphones pick up the soundscape of your environment, and Olive Air's powerful sound chip and Olive Sound software process the signal to create “anti noise” — an opposite soundwave that effectively cancels out the noise of your surroundings.

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Hear the Difference

Discover the profound impact of Olive Air. Clearer sound, easier communication, and a renewed zest for life.

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“Olive Air has been a 
game-changer for me.”

“Olive Air isn't just a hearing aid—it's my trusted companion for clearer, more connected living. Navigating the world with mild hearing loss can present challenges, but Olive Air has been a game-changer for me.”


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“Olive Air has been a 
game-changer for me.”

“Olive Air isn't just a hearing aid—it's my trusted companion for clearer, more connected living. Navigating the world with mild hearing loss can present challenges, but Olive Air has been a game-changer for me.”


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“Olive Air has completely exceeded my expectations”

“It allows me to fine-tune every aspect of my sound, while the active noise cancellation ensures I can immerse myself fully in my favorite tracks without any distractions.As an audiophile, I demand nothing but the best when it comes to my music experience. Olive Air has completely exceeded my expectations.” 


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“...isn’t just a hearing aid.”

“The My Olive App’s intuitive design and comprehensive monitoring capabilities provide me with the peace of mind I need to confidently navigate various listening environments. Olive Air isn't just a hearing aid—it's a proactive partner in my ongoing journey to maintain optimal hearing health.”


Join the waitlist & get the latest news

Reserve early today for Sep 2024 shipping and save up to 42% off.


Our Most Advanced Earphones

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Olive Max

Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Moderate Hearing Loss

All-Day Battery

Adaptive Hearing

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Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Moderate Hearing Loss

All-Day Battery

Adaptive Hearing

Olive Pro 1.png__PID:74239e32-bf0f-48ac-88f2-2dd4be6683de

Olive Pro

Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Mild Hearing Loss

14-Hour Battery

Adaptive Hearing

Our Most Advanced Earphones

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Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Moderate Hearing Loss

All-Day Battery

Adaptive Hearing

Group 20.png__PID:72d63256-c156-4f46-b351-061e26ffa124

Olive Max

Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Moderate Hearing Loss

All-Day Battery

Adaptive Hearing

Olive Pro 1.png__PID:74239e32-bf0f-48ac-88f2-2dd4be6683de

Olive Pro

Active Noise Cancellation

For Up to Mild Hearing Loss

14-Hour Battery

Adaptive Hearing

Lightweight, Low Footprint Design

Olive Air boasts a lower footprint than its predecessors, debulking your pockets for uncompromising portability.

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Superior Portability

Olive Air occupies a fraction of the surface area when compared to the previous generation Olive Max.

Olive Air Earbuds:

1.5” x 1.02” x 0.75”

Olive Air occupies a fraction of the surface area when compared to the previous generation Olive Max.

Olive Air Earbuds:
1.5” x 1.02” x 0.75”

Reserve Now to Save More

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38% OFF


Reserve Now

Est. shipping September 2024

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42% OFF


Reserve Now

Est. shipping September 2024

Color selection will be confirmed separately before shipping.


Maximum Acoustic Gain

Remarkable acoustic gain is here to revolutionize hearing with the next gen auditory experience.


Maximum Sound Output

Bask in vivid, clear audio bliss, exactly as the artists originally intended with full loudness and dynamic range.



Superior waterproofing adds durability for more conditions, so you can hear life without interruptions.

30 min

Charging Time

Always stay charged on the go with worry-free, pocket-sized power.

Hear Every Word, Every Note, and Every Moment

From whispers to laughter, Olive Air amplifies the soundtrack of your life, ensuring every word is heard and every moment is cherished.

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Control with AI-Powered Hearing & Music Presets

AI supported hearing presets let you swap between different hearing settings to best match your environment. 

Plus, customize volume and specific frequency bands with Hearing EQ and Music EQ for a personalized listening journey.

07 - Olive Air earbuds floating in fron of an iPhone that shows the Olive Union App interface and all of it over a background representing a motherboard where the chip is visible.jpg__PID:84924ec1-dd61-4190-a31d-309cfa7ac037

Care For & Protect Your Hearing Health

Olive Air monitors your environment, and can notify you if it detects unsafe noise levels. It also tracks how loud you listen to music and other media, empowering you to stay informed and maintain optimal hearing health.

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Find Your Serenity

Unlock your perfect oasis of calm with Olive Air's Care Mode. Select from a variety of ambient soundscapes, adjust frequency and volume to your preference, and unwind, relax, or meditate in comfort.

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Next-gen ANC Hearing Aids

For the unique hearing experience

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Don’t Miss Out!

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